Wellness http://superradiance.co.uk Wed, 21 Sep 2016 20:51:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7 Just Breathe  http://superradiance.co.uk/just-breathe/ Thu, 05 Mar 2015 21:44:12 +0000 http://superradiance.co.uk/?p=3794 How to Prevent & Relieve Anxiety with Pranayama So often in life when experiencing fear, anxiety or panic, a sympathetic soul will say to us ‘just breathe’. But rarely do we fully comprehend the full weight of wisdom behind these kindly words. In yogic terms breath is the very source of prana, our vital life […]

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How to Prevent & Relieve Anxiety with Pranayama

So often in life when experiencing fear, anxiety or panic, a sympathetic soul will say to us ‘just breathe’. But rarely do we fully comprehend the full weight of wisdom behind these kindly words. In yogic terms breath is the very source of prana, our vital life force or energy, and yogic tradition advocates the practice of pranayama – or ‘mastery of breath’.

To understand why the breath is such a powerful tool to both prevent and relieve anxiety and stress, we need to understand a little about our nervous system. The autonomic nervous system influences our digestive system, heart rate, immune function, and respiratory system.  This system then branches out in to our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

It is our sympathetic nervous system that creates our instinctive ‘flight or fight’ reactions. These are invaluable as they create our ability to energise, mobilise and complete tasks, but when they are sent in to overdrive, the continued elevation of blood pressure can cause multiple problems – including anxiety and stress.

The parasympathetic nervous system is often referred to as our ‘rest and digest’ mechanism and works to slow the mind and body. These sympathetic and parasympathetic branches are intended to work in union and equilibrium with each other, but too often our busy modern lifestyles cause the sympathetic nervous system to over function.

The secret to feeling balanced is to keep our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems working in balance with each other. Our respiration – breath – is the only autonomic function that we have any external influence over. When we make the breath conscious rather than unconscious, we are engaging our brain, and in turn talking to and influencing our nervous system. To slow the breath is to slow the pace of your entire nervous system. Yoga means ‘union’, and the simple act of focusing on the breath, pranayama, unites body and mind in a unique way.

To experience the calming and centering practice of pranayama, here are a few simple techniques:

Conscious Breathing

The conscious breath is simply becoming aware of your own breathing. When people are anxious or stressed, they tend to take shallow breaths, breathing from their shoulders. Sit in a comfortable position, and place one hand on your belly and the other on your chest. Close your eyes and breathe normally at first. Pay attention to your breathing rate, the rise and fall of your chest, and how the air feels in your lungs. Then draw the breath a little deeper, down to your diaphragm so it causes your belly to expand like a balloon. Allow it to fill all the way up, expanding your rib cage and then your chest whilst keeping your shoulders relaxed, low and slightly back. Sit and focus on your breath for at least five minutes centering your mind with the thought ‘I am breathing in…I am breathing out’.

Breath of Fire

As a breath of fire has a more rapid rhythm it would seem a little converse to suggest it as a calming breath! However, breath of fire used as a daily practice is an incredibly powerful tool. It has been accredited with the benefits of releasing toxins and deposits from the lungs, mucous linings, blood vessels, and other cells, expanding the lung capacity, strengthening the nervous system to resist stress and repairing the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Breath of fire also strengthens the navel chakra preparing you to act effectively, whilst increasing oxygen delivery to the brain, facilitating a focused, intelligent, and neutral state of mind (therefore allowing your experience of various situations to be less stress inducing)

To practice breath of fire sit comfortably with your eyes closed and pull your diaphragm up and in. This should cause a short sharp expulsion of air out through your nose. As the diaphragm then relaxes you will inhale automatically. All breath is taken through the nose with the mouth closed. Continue pulsing your diaphragm, with each cycle taking 2-3 seconds – it should be rapid, rhythmic, and continuous. Be careful to keep your body relaxed and the pulsing gentle and not too aggressive. Immerse yourself completely in the rhythm of the breath. Start by practicing for a minute or two every day, and increase this time as you become more comfortable with the technique.

Left Nostril Breathing

Breathing through the left nostril for five minutes is shown to reduce the activity of the sympathetic nervous system lowering your blood pressure and creating a calming effect.  It activates the Ida Nerve Ending in the left nostril, which relates to calmness and relaxation. Left nostril breathing is also associated with the moon energy, which is changeable, feminine, yin, giving, and cool.

Sit comfortably and close your right nostril with your right thumb, your other fingers are stretched straight up like antennas. Your left hand can remain relaxed on your left knee. Close your eyes and begin to breathe long and deep filling your lower lungs first and then up and in to the ribs and chest. Exhale slowly and continue to breathe only through your left nostril for three minutes.

Remember that pranayama can be highly effective to relieve already present anxiety, but to receive the most benefit, implement these simple practices daily to create and maintain a generally more neutral, calm and steady state of being.

Science aside, when we focus on our breath, we draw deeply in to our innermost self and practice yoga in its purest form. We unite our body and mind so that we can unite with the moment. We get so caught up the never ending torrent of life and in the fears and fretting of yesterday and tomorrow, that we lose touch with the reality that all we ever have is a continuous stream of ‘now’. The moment, the now, is the peace and the stillness that resides within the very core of our being, regardless of what external stimuli may appear to be causing us ‘stress’.

Feel this endless space by using the breath. Then feel the endless space in between each breath. There you will find the infinite silence that exists in between the noise of our mind and of everyday life, that which is expansive, vibrant and always at peace.


Amy comes from a dance based background and believes that creativity in all its subtle forms is a powerful tool to help us connect to self and to the spiritual realm.

Amy CrowderShe has taught numerous workshops for young people centered around a mix dance genre including cultural heritage such as Bangra and Tribal, old School Hip Hop and Street. All of her workshops have a strong emphasis on developing the ability to self explore and self express.

She is now in training to teach Kundalini Yoga with the Kundalini Research Institute and is passionate about pursuing the spiritual path and awakening others to an alternative more peaceful and fulfilling way of life.Contact Amy at Radiant Yoga in Marbella, www.yoga-in-marbella.net[email protected] 

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Three things to let go of in Yoga http://superradiance.co.uk/three-things-to-let-go-of-in-yoga/ Sun, 09 Nov 2014 19:19:23 +0000 http://superradiance.co.uk/?p=3430 So you’ve got your yoga mat, your towel and your bottle of water, and you’re standing in the studio waiting for the teacher. Shifting from one foot to the other, smiling nervously at the other women as you eye them up and down and pull your t-shirt self-consciously over your midriff awaiting the start of […]

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So you’ve got your yoga mat, your towel and your bottle of water, and you’re standing in the studio waiting for the teacher. Shifting from one foot to the other, smiling nervously at the other women as you eye them up and down and pull your t-shirt self-consciously over your midriff awaiting the start of your first yoga class.

How strange it is that a practice that is all about LETTING GO should at first reduce so many of us to self-conscious, embarrassed and uncomfortable bundles of insecurity. Why the awkwardness? Why the unease? If you are here for YOGA and to want to reap the many benefits that it has to offer, then the key is letting go!

Here are the top three things that we recommend you let go of in order to get the most from your yoga practice:

  1. Perfection: Let go of it now! It’s ridiculous. You will never achieve perfection. The beauty of yoga is that it’s a life-long practice and every single day you can (and will) improve. Stop criticising yourself, your wobbly tummy, your stiff back. The more you are reprimanding yourself, the more tense and stressed you will become and the less able you are to breathe into your positions and relax into your poses. So what if your underpants are riding up above your waistband? Just breathe deeply into your downward dog and feel the energy flowing through you and know that no one is looking and no one else cares. Why? Because everyone else is doing pretty much the same thing as you are – concentrating on his or her own practice.
  2. Comparing
    Comparing is another big no no! So what if the girl in front is slimmer, younger, more toned and supple? This is YOUR PRACTICE, your journey, your yoga. We are all so different, varied and diverse, and each of our bodies is our own beautiful instrument. Listen to your body, it knows best, coax it, feel it, breathe through it, reach deeper, grow stronger. This is not a competition. No one is judging who can touch their toes or who can lift their leg the highest; this is a personal journey of discovery and self-awareness. The only person you are competing against is who you were yesterday.
  3. Your ‘to do’ list
    Yes, you know what I’m talking about…“What do I need to pick up from the supermarket on my way home? How much work have I got on tomorrow? What shall I make the children for dinner? Have I paid my phone bill?” This frantic list making and jumble of thoughts spinning round and around your head like a washing machine is perfectly normal in a yoga class and happens to all of us. After all, we rush around from home and school and work each day, going from engagements, meetings, tasks and chores and rarely do we actually stop to sit and think, so the temptation is to collect our thoughts and make mental notes during the calm and quiet of yoga. But no! Banish these thoughts from your mind. Concentrate on the here and now. Focus on your breathing, your positioning, listen to your body and tune in to its signals. If you are worrying about either the past or the future you are not where you should be – in the present. Yoga affords you that wonderful moment in time where you are completely aware and mindful.

From anxiety about body image or uncertainty about your abilities to stresses and strains of everyday life that are weighing on your mind, the only way to allow yoga to work for you is to LET GO and embrace.


Lori is a certified in various yoga traditions and influences. She is the founder of Radiant Yoga in Marbella, Spain and holds regular classes, workshops and retreats throughout Europe and India.Lori Sjollema yoga image Radiant Yoga Marbella offers Hot Yoga classes and all types and levels of Yoga for all ages including Workshops, Trainings and Massage Therapy. Contact her at www.yoga-in-marbella.net[email protected]




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Wise words http://superradiance.co.uk/wise-words/ Tue, 04 Nov 2014 09:15:05 +0000 http://superradiance.co.uk/?p=3267 I’m not into manifestos but you just can’t argue with this one!

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I’m not into manifestos but you just can’t argue with this one!

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The Top 5 Essential Oils for Today’s Modern Lifestyle http://superradiance.co.uk/top-5-essential-oils-todays-modern-lifestyle/ Mon, 03 Nov 2014 16:32:43 +0000 http://superradiance.co.uk/?p=3169 Aromatherapy, the use of essential oils from plants for healing has been used to relieve stress and pain for thousands of years, we asked leading aromatherapist and certified Reiki practitioner Tomomi Horie the top 5 essential oils for today’s modern lifestyle, her recommendations are fascinating.   Appetite Control Essential oils by themselves will not induce […]

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Aromatherapy, the use of essential oils from plants for healing has been used to relieve stress and pain for thousands of years, we asked leading aromatherapist and certified Reiki practitioner Tomomi Horie the top 5 essential oils for today’s modern lifestyle, her recommendations are fascinating.


  1. Appetite Control

Essential oils by themselves will not induce weight loss but they can help to support and be a comfort through a change to healthy lifestyle. Everyone is different and the amount of weight gained or loss will depend on such things as an individual’s metabolism rate, their genetics, their ability to exercise and their overall health.


Research shows that appetite and the sense of smell are closely connected. In fact, studies have found that our sense of smell actually triggers feelings of fullness before our stomach does. According to Dr. Alan Hirsch, MD, head of Chicago’s Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, when you inhale an essential oil, it’s molecules directly affect the “satiety center” in the hypothalamus, a portion of the brain that regulates our feeling of satiety, or fullness after meal.


Peppermint (Menta x piperita) – Peppermint is an excellent mental stimulant, and as a digestive it is unsurpassed. Research in the U.S. and Japan has shown that peppermint improves alertness and stimulates the brain without affecting the heart rate. Peppermint essential oil has been researched and shown to reduce appetite and cravings – a key component to weight loss when uncontrollable cravings can derail even the most determined individual. In a recent study by Dr. Bryan Raudenbush at the Wheeling Jesuit University of West Virginia, it was discovered that individuals who inhaled peppermint oil over 2 week period consumed on average 3,000 less calories per week than those who didn’t use the peppermint. Not only that, the peppermint users reported a feeling of being satiated when inhaling the peppermint and didn’t feel deprived by their reduced caloric intake.


Appetite Suppressant Blend

– Peppermint (Mentha x piperita)


Put 1-2 drops of Peppermint essential oil to tissue or cotton ball. Inhale before each meal to curb appetite.


  1. Anxiety and Depression

Lavender (Lavandulaangustifolia)– Lavender is generally regarded as the most useful and versatile essence for therapeutic purposes. When W. Gray Walter, PhD, and his associates started to record the CNV brain waves in the 1960s, they found that the most sedative scents tested (in order of effectiveness) were Lavender, Bergamot, Marjoram, Sandalwood, Lemon, and Chamomile. Modern-day aromatherapists regard these scents as among the most emotionally balancing, specifically helpful in the treatment of depression, anxiety, headaches, and strain from overwork. Lavender is one of the most popular fragrances to alleviate stress and, as a result, has been extensively studies. EEG readings show that lavender oil increases alpha waves when the scent is inhaled for only three minutes. Alpha waves are associated with relaxation, focus, meditative state, and increased drowsiness.Preliminary Japanese studies indicate that lavender’s scent affects the autonomic, sympathetic, and parasympathetic nervous systems as well as adrenal glands. Quite a few studies on lavender show the scent alone helps counter insomnia, depression, mental stress, anger, and anxiety and improves one’s mood and memory. It even reduced aggressive behavior of elderly people with Alzheimer’s. It was shown to work in a manner similar to sedative drugs such as diazepam, but without the drug’s intensity or side effects.The most effective application route for decreasing anxiety and slowing an overactive mind is inhalation.


Anxiety and Depression Blend

– 5 drops Lavender (Lavandulaangustifolia)

– 5 drops Sandalwood (Santalum album)

– 2 drops Bergamot (Citrus bergamia)


Blend essential oils well in a clean dark colored glass bottle. Put 1-2 drops on a tissue and inhale for a few minutes. Use freely to calm the nervous system.


  1. Insomnia

Good quality sleep can impact our overall health and our lives. Insomnia can be caused by psychiatric and medical conditions, unhealthy sleep habits, specific substances, and/or certain biological factors. Research has shown that sleep helps to regulate our hormones and recharge the body’s immune system which protect us from infection and disease.


Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelumnobile) – Roman Chamomile is an ancient herb that possesses sedating and relaxing properties, and gives great immune support and balance. It is known to be especially helpful in combating insomnia and offers deep rest to the nervous system. Medieval monks built raised “healing beds” in their gardens so invalids could lie upon chamomile to relieve emotional depression. Using calming and relaxing essential oils before your bedtime can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep until your intended wake-up time.


Restful Sleep Blend

– 3 drops Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelumnobile)

– 4 drops Lavender (Lavandulaangustifolia)

– 2 drops Sweet Marjoram (Origanammarjorana)

Directions: (choose one)

1) Blend essential oils into 1 oz. unscented lotion or Jojoba oil. Apply to your chest, feet and neck before bed.

2) Blend essential oils well in a clean dark colored glass bottle. Add 1-2 drops to a tissue and place inside your pillowcase to help you fall asleep.


  1. Tension Headaches

Essential oils have been used to relieve stress and pain for thousand of year. They may help relieve minor headaches, improve your mood and may play a part in helping to reduce the need to ingest pain medication. Headache is a symptom of stress, illness, or unhealthy lifestyle such as not eating or sleeping properly. When essential oils are massaged into the body, they are infused into the bloodstream. As they enter the circulation system, they act as a natural painkiller.


Rosewood (Anibarosaeodora) – Rosewood eases headaches and fights colds, fevers, nausea, and many types of infections. Rosewood is one of the highest natural sources of linalol (as is Ho Wood). Due to its high content of linalool, this oil is thought to be deeply nourishing and supportive to the immune system. Rosewood is a deep sedative.


I’ve had some great experiences using essential oils for tension headaches. I love using Trauma oil as my favorite carrier oil for headache blends. Trauma oil is an herbally-infused oil blend that combines Olive oil (first pressing), Calendula flower (Calendula officinalis), Arnica flower (Arnica Montana), and St. John’s Wort flowering tops (Hypericumperforatum). You might feel immediate relief!


Tension Headache Blend

– 3 drops Rosewood (Anibarosaeodora)

– 4 drops Peppermint (Mentha x piperita)

– 5 drops Lavender (Lavandulaangustifolia)

– 1 drop Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)


Blend essential oils into 1oz. of Trauma oil or Jojoba oil. Apply to the back of your neck, throat, and temple as soon as tension begins. Repeat this application three to four times daily for a few days if needed.


  1. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Cramps

If you experience PMS, you are not alone. You may experience both physical and emotional imbalance during or prior to the menstruation. During this time, even women with mild PMS symptoms may experience difficulties in personal and social life. The researchers found that the hormonal substances called prostaglandins can cause PMS and menstrual cramps. Certain prostaglandins called PG2 can be responsible for all common PMS symptoms, including headaches, bowel changes, nausea, breast tenderness, joint pain, and water retention, and they may contribute to moodiness, irritability, and alcohol cravings.


Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea) – Clary Sage provides powerful therapeutic properties for women’s cycles, often related to the hormonal imbalance, menstrual cramps, menopause, PMS, postpartum blues, and so on. For depression associated with PMS, nothing is better than Clary Sage, but you can also try Neroli, Jasmine, and Ylang-Ylang. To relieve menstrual cramps and headaches, you may try Cypress, Geranium, Roman Chamomile, Lavender, Marjoram, and Rose. These are all wonderful remedy especially for women’s health.


PMS Relief Blend

– 2 drops Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea)

– 4 drops Cypress (Cupressussempervirens)

– 3 drops Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)

– 2 drops Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelumnobile)


Blend essential oils into 1oz. Jojoba oil. Apply to the abdomen and lower back.


For Menstrual Cramp

– 4 drops Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea)

– 6 drops Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelumnobile)

– 5 drops Lavender (Lavandulaangustifolia)


Blend essential oils into 1oz. carrier oil (Trauma oil and Jojoba oil are my favorites). Apply to cramped area every hour as needed.


And for those of you who want to know more…

 How Essential Oils Work

Essential oils are natural, organic substances and work in harmony with the natural forces of the body. Essential oils are extremely concentrated. Most of them are at least fifty times more potent than the herb from which they are derived. In her book Aromatherapy: The Complete Guide to Plant and Flower Essences for Health and Beauty, Daniele Ryman states that one drop of essential oil often represents the potency of one ounce of plant material. This gives you an idea of their healing potential – and of the potential hazards of improperly using essential oils.


Why natural oils? Why not anything that smells nice whether it is natural or synthetic? The answer is simple that synthetic or inorganic substances do not contain any “life force”; they are not dynamic. Organic substances are those which is characterized by systemic co-ordination of parts in one whole. Nature has a structure which can not be duplicated. Human beings are able to differentiate up to 10,000 odors through a complex sensory-somatic cascade that instantaneously activates the autonomic nervous system, memory, and emotion through the amygdala and other limbic structures.

There are various methods of applying essential oils and also different dilutions used in aromatherapy. They can be added to a carrier, such as vegetable oil, for example, almond, apricot, hazelnut, olive, grape seed, walnut, sesame or unscented lotion, and then applied to the skin, or they can be added to bath salts, room sprays, or diffusers for inhalation. In his book The Art of Aromatherapy, Robert B. Tisserand states that treatment is not necessarily improved by using a blend of several essences, and if one oil fits the case perfectly no useful purpose is served by combining it with other oils. If there is no one essence which seems to cover most of the symptoms it will be necessary to blend several together, but try to keep them to a minimum, between two and five oils. A safe and effective dilution for most aromatherapy application is 2%, which translates to 2 drops of essential oil per 98 drops of carrier oil, or about 10 to 12 drops per ounce. This is suitable for various types of aromatherapy. There is rarely any need to go beyond a 3 percent dilution for any purpose. In aromatherapy, more is not better; in fact, “more” may cause adverse or opposite reactions. Consistent low doses are safest and the most effective. Essential oils are perfectly safe when used in the suggested dilutions, although applications complicated by pregnancy epilepsy, serious health problems and some medications do call for caution.

Avoid the use of undiluted essential oils on the skin. Essential oils should never be used internally without medical guidance. Keep all essential oils out of the reach of children and animals. Please visit NAHA website to learn more about Aromatherapy Safety Information:


For detail information on what to look for and what to watch out for when buying individual essential oils and aromatherapy products, please visit the How to Buy Essential Oils Article:





The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to offer professional medical advice or treatment for any disease or condition.We are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations, or procedures discussed in the article. We recommend that you consult your health care provider if you have any health concerns.


About Tomomi Horie

Tomomi Horie is originally from Japan. She moved to New York City to attend Fashion Institute of Technology, and graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Cosmetics anTomomi Horie essential oils & reike imaged Fragrance Marketing in 2003. She is a certified aromatherapist of National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) & Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA), and a certified Reiki practitioner in the traditional Usui method, an ancient Japanese hands-on and distance energy healing technique. Her services include aromatherapy consultations, custom blending, in-person and distant Reiki healing sessions worldwide for individual, pet, place, event, and situation in the past, present or future. She enjoys sharing her experience and knowledge about safe use of essential oils and aromatherapy. She would love to support people in living at their highest potential and to feel their best. Contact her at: [email protected]




  1. Andrea Butje, Aromahead Institute, Relieve tension headaches with essential oils: http://www.aromahead.com
  2. Aromatics International, Rosewood: http://www.aromaticsinternational.com
  3. Aromaweb, How to buy essential oils, GC-MS test results: http://www.aromaweb.com
  4. Buck, L.B. (2004), Unraveling the sense of smell. Retrieved May 16, 2007 from the Nobel Prize Web site:


  1. Butje,a., Repede, E., &Shattell, M. (2008), Healing scents: An overview of clinical aromatherapy for emotional distress. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 46(10), 46-52.
  2. Clare Maxwell-Hudson. (1994), Aromatherapy Massage. New York, NY: 22.
  3. Julie Behling-Hovdal. (2011). Essential Survival, Healthy weight loss with essential oils: http://www.essentialsurvival.org
  4. KathiKeville and Mindy Green. (2009), Aromatherapy A complete Guide to the Healing Art, (2nd Edition). Berkeley, CA: Grossing Press, 16, 29, 42,44, 53, 54, 62, 184, 208.
  5. National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, Safety information: http://www.naha.org
  6. National Sleep Foundation, What causes insomnia: http://www.sleepfoundation.org
  7. Robert B. Tisserand.(1977), The Art of Aromatherapy.Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 66, 147, 159, 246.

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Traditional Yoga myths dispelled: Why anyone can practice yoga! http://superradiance.co.uk/traditional-yoga-myths-dispelled-anyone-can-practice-yoga/ Mon, 03 Nov 2014 16:26:09 +0000 http://superradiance.co.uk/?p=3165 Unlike any other form of exercise, sport or training, yoga is a practice for the heart, mind, body and soul. To many, this ancient spiritual practice is a way of life, whilst to some it’s a hearty daily workout. Some practise it as a form of meditation and others as an exercise in unwinding and […]

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Unlike any other form of exercise, sport or training, yoga is a practice for the heart, mind, body and soul. To many, this ancient spiritual practice is a way of life, whilst to some it’s a hearty daily workout. Some practise it as a form of meditation and others as an exercise in unwinding and relieving stress.

Regardless how you choose to practise yoga and no matter what your goal, the benefits are limitless and there are no reasons not to begin now. Whether you’re old, short, fat, thin, atheist, Buddhist, tall, young or unfit, yoga teaches us that nobody is any better than anybody else. We are all simply doing our best with the tools and instruments we have been given and by continued yoga practice we can finally let go and be liberated of ego. 

If you have never practised yoga and are baffled by all the positions and Indian names or daunted by the prospect of exercising with svelte, nimble young girls or well-proportioned muscular men, do not be fearful. People who practise yoga are just like you: of all ages, abilities and body shapes, and the only way to improve is to keep practising. In this article we hope to dispel some of the most common myths about yoga.

You have to be supple to practice yoga

Ok, so it may help if you can touch your toes and bend your back, but yoga is not a competition. Everyone’s body is unique and each body bends and folds differently. What’s even better is that the more frequently you practise yoga the more pliable and supple you become. As the routine becomes a habit, your body will soften and ease into the positions, and as you improve technically your body will continue to change too.

You have to be young and skinny

Don’t be daunted by social media images and magazines portraying a young, toned and taut yogi, whose slim frame bends and stretches as her body defies gravity. Yes there are plenty of young and slim yogis, but the beauty of yoga is that you can be of any ability level, any age and any body type. A beginner can be forty, fifty or even sixty years old. One of the most important principles of yoga is that there is no competition. We are not in a struggle to be better, slimmer, more toned or bendy than our peers. We are only in competition with ourselves; to be better than we were yesterday.

Yoga is for ‘spiritual people’

Although yoga is at core a spiritual practice and many find that the physical routine of it can become a gateway into spiritual exploration in time leading to a spiritual awakening, it is not a vital component to an enjoyable yoga practice. No matter what is the nature of your beliefs, religion, ideology or lack thereof, there are no rules or requirements in order to benefit from yoga. Apart from the spiritual goals, the physical postures of yoga can be used to alleviate health problems as well as to reduce stress, and even the most stubborn spiritual sceptic cannot deny the physical benefits of this feel-good, low-impact workout.

Yoga is not a real workout

If you think that yoga is just sitting in funny positions and balancing in pretty poses, then you are in for a great surprise. Whilst stretching and balancing make up much of the foundations, yoga classes can be rigorous hard core workouts for the whole body, ranging from hot yoga classes that demand great stamina to intense and concentrated position classes that require great core strength as you use your own body to support your weight.

Of course there are gentler classes, such as Hatha Yoga and other slow-flowing classes, but it is fair to say that the more you put in the more you will get back. The deeper into a position you stretch, the suppler you will become and the greater the change you will notice in your body. So the more you practise and the deeper you go, the easier yoga will be for you. It’s a gentle, unforced way of looking and feeling good.

Lori is a certified and highly trained in various yoga traditions and influences. She is the founder of Radiant Yoga Marbella Yoga studio in Marbella, Spain and holds regular classes, workshops and retreats throughout Europe and India.Lori Sjollema yoga image

Radiant Yoga Marbella offers Hot Yoga classes and all types and levels of Yoga for all ages including Workshops, Trainings and Massage Therapy.

Radiant Yoga Marbella, Los Naranjos de Marbella Local Nr. 1&2 29660 Nueva Andalucia, Marbella www.yoga-in-marbella.net[email protected]



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